Avril 4th April 2021

John I am missing you so much, it's now Easter Sunday and just Monday left of the longest holiday weekend I can remember. Thankfully I've got Radio Norfolk Country on for a couple of hours, the only country programme we get now. When I think of all the country events we attended over the years and now all the BBC can give us is two hours a week and thats not even on Essex . Thankfully Keith Greentree is playing a good mixture of old and new. Soon they will cut Country right out, putting on special programes for Rock etc but nothing for us! John I need you to be with me to remember all the good times we had, I need you to cuddle up with and chat about the fun times, I cuddle your pillow but it doesn't answer . John I long to be with you, we always said we would go together , please come and collect me, I need you desperately xxxxx Love you always.